Thursday, July 28, 2016

Porcupine update

On May 29th I got a call from TWC with a very big surprise. Something amazing and a first for TWC had happened. My porcupine had surprised them with the birth of a wee baby .Everyone so excited. I almost cried with happiness. The fact I got out and checked on that porcupine lying in the center on my lane that night motionless. Been hit and from the looks of it dragged by a car. Her quills scattered all over both lanes for some distance. Not knowing what I was going to find. A gut feeling told me to go and check this poor animal.To find her breathing. To have friends in rehabilitation facilities to call asap. To have a supporting husband and a good friend who didn't mind stopping so I could check. My husband found a big bin and got to us within 10 min. All 3 of us worked together that dark night to get her as gently as we could into that bin and secured her well. She was 7 1/2 months pregnant. But no one had any way of knowing. I call the baby 'Miracle". Because it is truly a miracle. Both mom and babe are very healthy and strong. They are home now and free. I wish them both the best life,safe, and fulfilling.She is an excellent mother and baby so sweet. A big THANK YOU to TWC for all the loving gentile care they gave both mom and babe. Life is good !!!!!

And for all the drivers out there. PLEASE drive slower through wildlife areas, Pay attention to speed limits. They are that for a reason. Spring is baby time ( or baby soon to be ). If for what ever reason you hit something because you couldn't stop. PLEASE. Stop and check it. If it is dead move it off the road as a respect. But please if it is breathing get help asap. No animal deserves or needs to suffer.

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